I’ve launched a number of YouTube channels over the years, and they’ve all started and expanded slowly for the same reason.

I have very rarely come across a YouTube channel that has experienced exponential growth in its first year. A YouTube channel that consistently publishes new videos typically needs 6 to 9 months to monetize.

If you’re anything like me, you’re always seeking for fresh, fun, and quick methods to expand your YouTube channel. Purchasing YouTube views for your videos is one of those methods. But is purchasing YouTube views a wise move?

No, it’s not a good idea to buy YouTube views. Some of the reasons include the possibility that YouTube will suspect you of attempting to manipulate its algorithm, the potential for an immediate ban, the possibility of skipping the creation of videos, the disregard for organic reach, and the potential financial loss.

I firmly believe it is a horrible idea to buy YouTube views.

On the other hand, I’m equally certain that you should devote your effort to producing amazing content that focuses on high-volume, low-competition keywords.

I’ve published a lot of articles about making videos for high-volume, low-competition keywords, and I firmly believe that doing so is the most effective method to expand any YouTube channel.

The benefits of purchasing YouTube views:

I felt it was important to examine the reasons why someone like you may think about buying YouTube views by http://buyyoutubesubscribers.in/ before I went into why you should definitely not do so.

After all, it’s alluring to use views as fuel to boost your channel’s growth.

Here are some of the main justifications for buying YouTube views.

Makes your videos rank higher.

The rating of your videos is raised when you purchase YouTube views, which is one of their key advantages. But how can that happen with paid views?

Engagement essentially refers to how viewers responded to your video. This can involve clicking the “like” or “subscribe” buttons, leaving a remark, or selecting a link in the description. The likelihood of these events happening increases with the number of views your video receives.

One of the most significant quality indicators that YouTube’s algorithm can detect is engagement.

Lessening the rate of growth

A large portion of your YouTube channel’s growth is dependent on luck. You can, in fact, make decisions based on data. Yes, you can pick keywords that will help your videos reach the top of search results. But the YouTube algorithm still has the last say. People’s opinions still have the power to control you.

You have reclaimed some degree of control over the expansion of your YouTube channel by making a tiny financial investment to buy YouTube views.

You can directly and quantitatively contribute to the success of your video by investing money in views. And based on the result, you can take more precise and quantifiable steps. If you purchase 1000 views for one of your most recent videos, for instance, you can track the impact those 1000 views have on your video.

Last but not least, the majority of global huge corporations don’t just sit back and let their firm expand. They spend money on marketing. Purchasing views is identical to purchasing advertisements. You are spending money on business promotion.

Accelerating the monetization process

Purchasing views enables your channel to cross the monetization threshold more quickly. You need 1000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of viewing in the last 365 days in order to monetize your YouTube channel. It makes sense that purchasing YouTube views will enable you to reach 4000 hours of viewing far more quickly than waiting for organic development to take place.

Views on videos may be a component of a bigger organic marketing plan.

Purchasing video views can be a component of a bigger marketing plan for expanding your YouTube channel. The ideal way to buy views, subscribers, or likes, in my opinion, is to combine it with organic promotion and growth. Your marketing plan should rely on an organic outreach strategy at least 95% of the time.